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Dayananda Sagar University Talent Search 2018
Dayananda Sagar University conducts a three day "Talent Search", an interschool and inter college workshop cum competition every year since its inception. The event was from November 29, 30 & December 01, 2018 at Innovation Campus, Kudlu Gate, Bangalore. The event encourages all the young innovators of high school and pre-university students to understand and learn cutting-edge technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing, Blockchain, Pneumatics. The workshop was well scheduled with 2 days of theory and practical classes followed by project and model making of all the learnings.
The talented students are rewarded with Rs. 5 lakh cash prizes and electronic goodies. The event was a grand success with nearly 1000 students from more than 40 schools, Chief guests of this remarkable event were Dr. Sridhar G, founder, MD of Deeksha and Guest of honour was Mrs. Lalit Sridhar, Co-Founder, Deeksha. The closing ceremony event our special guests were Ms. Jayashree Gururaj from Amazon India, Mr. Jatin Khanna, Head - International sales of Amazon Devices, Mr. Nataraj Kumar, Director - R & D Philips Health Care India and Mr. Giri - Principal of Giraffe Learning.
Research on Applications of Next Generation Semiconductors - Graphene
Graphene is a thinnest 2D material ever which has enormous superlative properties. It is an impressive material which is full of potentials and can bring a fascinating change in the field of electronics. It was first electrically isolated in 2004 at the University of Manchester. In 2010, the two scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the Noble prize for their path breaking discovery on graphene. Few among graphene’s superlative properties defines it as the strongest and the most flexible material ever, which has the best thermal and electrical conductivity with very high electron mobility even at room temperature.
It is 200 times stronger than steel and yet being flexible. All these properties make it as an attractive material of research where the whole world is involved in getting some exciting applications out of graphene. The wide applications of graphene starts from batteries of cars to satellites sent in space, smart homes to smarter electronics.
Dr.Baishali G from Department of Physics, Dayananda Sagar University has set up a research lab to explore the potentials of graphene in designing various sensors. She has received research grants from Science and Engineering Board, (SERB) under Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India and also from Indian Space Research Organization for carrying out research in the area of graphene based sensors. Three research scholars are perusing their PHDs in this area of research under her guidance. The team is working in close collaboration with preeminent institution Indian Institute of Science.