College Of Allied Health Sciences
The Health-care sector is one of the rapidly growing industries and India is becoming a global health care hub. The health-care system in the country will be able to meet the health needs of the populations because of many factors, most prominent being a consistent inflow of skilled manpower. Availability of human resources at all levels of the health-care system is extremely essential in moving towards the larger goal of universal health coverage. Allied Health Science is a newly established concept in health-care and constitutes to bring forth a separate stream of health professionals dedicated to its cause. However, Allied Health Science professionals are an integral part of the medical team along with physicians and nurses contributing their expertise towards preventive, curative and rehabilitative care of patients. These candidates are enabled to assist confidently in technology driven medical procedures. The programs and courses provide a board-based foundation to tackle global, national health-care issues & trends, ethical & legal issues therein, in addition to health promotion & disease prevention, evidence-based practice, Allied Health-care research, health-care system management & health-care based informatics. With the enormous development in the health-care industries sector, these graduates will be much in demand both within the country and outside as Medical Technologists.